WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. 10th Economic & Social Development Forum Friday, 25 May 2007 Lecht Ski & Activity Centre Agenda Sustainable Living in the Cairngorms National Park 10.00 Coffee 10.30 Cllr Peter Argyle: personal thoughts on 10 forums over 2½ years 10.40 Delivering the Park Plan, paper 1, Andrew Harper, Head of Economic & Social Development, CNPA 11.00 Introduction from Alex Walker of eco-villages project .. Sustainable design, Susan Torrance, Highland Housing Alliance .. Real Nappies, Penny Lawson, Highland Real Nappy Project .. The All Abilities Perspective, Morag Redwood, Highland & Islands Equality Forum .. Local Art & Crafts, Barry Horning, Creative Cairngorms 12.30 Q&A 12.45 Lunch 13.30 Introduction & Bio-regionalism, from David Key, Footprint Consulting .. Locally produced food sold locally, Jim Mullen, Larder Bytes .. Local Food, Fiona Young, Cairngorms Farmers Markets .. Estate Management Practices, Andrew Wells, Crown Estate Glenlivet .. Sustainable Business Practices, Jonathan Gatenby Aviemore Business Association & Ravenscraig Guest House .. Waste as a Resource, Gus Jones, SWAN 15.00 Links with Community Planning and proposals for rolling out Community Needs Assessments, paper 2, Andrew Harper 15.30 Close